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Game: Baby Games

  (5174 votes)
Views: 26117
Requires os version:Android2.3 and up
Baby Games - a collection of free fun toddler games to entertain and keep your baby happy. Ideal for a one year old or a two year old baby.
Includes the following fun Baby Games:

Burst the balloons: This baby game improves your baby's hand-eye coordination by popping balloons moving across the screen
Jack-in-the-box: Touch the screen to play the music until Jack pops out
Whack-a-mole: This baby games features a mole which your baby has to hit quickly before it disappears
Animal Sounds: Touch the animals to hear the sound they make. Animals include cat, dog, farm animals.
Car noises: Includes car, plane & train sounds.

Each of these free Games Include a toddler lock screen which can enabled in Settings so your baby can have fun without accidentally making calls by pressing the Menu, Back or Search buttons while playing the baby game.
To unlock simply press the buttons 1,2,3,4 in order.
Lock screen limitation: Google does not allow disabling of the Home button so this cannot be locked by the lock screen in Baby Games.

If you have any issues or improvements for Baby Games please email

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