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App: Share or Send Music: ShareBeat

  (561 votes)
Views: 1999
Category Music
Requires os version:Android2.2 and up
Share Music or Send Music Messaging & Texting: ShareBeat is a music sharing and discovery app. Use ShareMusic Messaging to send your favorite songs and music to your friends. You can use this app for Sharing Music with your friends. Be the Tastemaker among your friends and show off your favorite bands. You will also discover new and exciting music through your friends. Just download the app and search for your favorite song to get started. Your friends don't need to have the app installed to receive your recommendations.Now you can send and share music with your friends and they can send and share music with you.Share Music or Send Music to your friends. Instead of just texting your friend, send music and share music.Thank you for sharing music.

SMS CHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH USING THE APP[For contacts who do not have ShareBeat app, the app will send a text message using your SMS client and plan. You may incur SMS charges for these messages]Using this app will result in SMS CHARGES - if you send to users who do not have the app

Disclaimer: This app indexes videos uploaded on YouTube in a convenient way. All the videos available are publicly shared on YouTube and we have not uploaded any content ourselves. You can mail us if you own any content and want it to be removed.

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