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App: QPair

  (3883 votes)
Views: 23522
Category Email & Messaging
Version:Varies with device
Requires os version:Android4.1 and up
Size:Varies with device
There are 2 version of QPair application, one specifically for G Pad 8.3 LTE and one for general use. This application is for general use. If your tablet is not for G Pad 8.3 LTE and have installed QPair for G Pad 8.3 LTE, please uninstall and install this version of QPair for Wi-Fi GPad.

Call notification : Call notification from your phone will appear on the tablet. You can check caller ID and send a decline message.

Message notification : Message notification from your phone will appear on the tablet. You can read the message and reply.

SNS notification : Once phone receives an SNS notification, the same notification will appear on status bar of the tablet.

QMemo transfer : If you save QMemo on the tablet, the same file will be saved to Gallery on the phone.

Internet via phone : Connection will be established via Internet via phone (Wi-Fi hotspot). Phone data charges may apply.

Recent app sticker : When tablet screen is unlocked, a sticker will display the last app used on the phone. Tap sticker to run the app. You can also run the same app on the phone. Make sure that the app is installed on phone and tablet.

QPair for Wi-Fi GPad works with phones running Android 4.1 or later. Some features may be limited depending on carrier’s policy or compatibility of your phone model.

Both of your phone and tablet need to be installed to use QPair for Wi-Fi GPad.And among the tablets, this is for only LG G Pad 8.3 (LG-V510).

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