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App: Places Near Me Finder

  (99 votes)
Views: 515
Category Travel
Requires os version:Android3.0 and up
Places Near Me is a navigation tool designed for helping people when travelling to different city. It displays places near to user's current location based on selected category.Features :-• Quickly find nearby bars, restaurants, gas stations etc. with a single tap using Places Near Me.• Places Near Me locates your phone with GPS and then provides you with the top local searches nearby so you can find where you need to go.• Places Near Me Works worldwide.

Notes :1. Data AllowanceSearching and using navigation will use the mobile data allowance if not connnected to a wi-fi network.2. Number of search resultsNumber of search results are limited to 60 at a time (Google places restriction). Reduce the radius (if not set to the minimum) to get accurate results if the maximum number of records are returned.3. Accuracy of you locationAccuracy of your location is totally depends on the location received from the GPS or location servicesThis could lead to display varying results.

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