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App: Android WebReader

  (115 votes)
Views: 1173
Category News & Magazines
Requires os version:Android1.1 and up
This application which has been developed on the Android platform allows you to read the news from yahoo and is totally free from any advertisements.

In addition to allowing you to read at your own pace, this application also provides you the feature of reading the news automatically, so that you can just listen to the news and focus on multitasking rather than staring at your phone all the time.

All you need to enter is the URL of the news article from Yahoo and click on the Read icon to have the news dictated to you automatically.

Examples of valid urls are as follows:

You can view the video of the application on Youtube at the link that has been provided below.

If you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to email at

Take advantage at the limited time offer to get the application for free.

Also please take a look at the other applications that are available from us including

1. US Citizenship Test Question and Answers in multiple languages including English, Spanish, French and German.

2. Elephant Memory Game to test your observation skills and memory.

3. Countries of the World which allows you to get upto date information on all of the countries of the world.

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