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App: Cable Box Remote Control

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Views: 847
Category Libraries & Demo
Requires os version:Android2.2 and up
This Application could replace the original Cable Box Remote control.The original Cable Box Remote Control uses the Infrared ray remote control, butthis application will communicate using the Android phone Local BlueTooth Adaptor and another BlueTooth device with I.R. transmitter module(see Picture) that connects to the CableBox.Also this application can only transmit to model name“Hawaii Oceanic Time Warner Cable Company'sScientific Atlanta Explorer 4250HDC” Cable Box's IR command now.This Application requires that it be attached to the Cable Box with hardware(BT.IR module).The BT.IR module includes an ARF32(Bluetooth module), IR transmitter and PIC16F88(u-comp).The PIC16F88 is installed in small firmware which creates an IR remote control pulse.For more detail,please visit my web homepage.
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