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App: BreweryMap #1 Brewery Map App

  (9 votes)
Views: 352
Category Travel
Requires os version:Android2.2 and up
BreweryMap is your pocket guide to breweries everywhere. Find a new brewery to visit near your home town or wherever you happen to find yourself. View ever expanding information about breweries and their beers! With over 4,000 breweries to explore and more than 14,500 beers, it's hard not to find something new.

As craft beer lovers ourselves, we at PintLabs want to make it easy to discover delicious new beer, that's why we're constantly adding new breweries and beers. Let us know if there's something you'd like to see!

Coming soon------------------ Search along route- Search by brewery name- Lots more breweries and beers!- And more!

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